Celebrating Success

What the Garden Means to Me

This garden literally saved my life. It gave me something to believe in again. A purpose and a calling! I feel so privileged to have the chance to bring pride, peace, togetherness, and a spiritual connection to the garden and to each other. Only in a place that is constructed with love, for use by …

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The Glory Hall
8715 Teal St
Juneau, AK 99801

(907) 586-4159

Forget-Me-Not Manor
1944 Allen Court
Juneau, AK 99801

(907) 500-7345

Located on the land of the Áak'w Ḵwáan, TGH acknowledges their community and elders past and present and future generations who have been, and continue to be stewards of this land since time immemorial. TGH also acknowledges all indigenous people who have been displaced from their lands, cultures, and communities resulting in hardships including homelessness. TGH wants to honor all indigenous people and commit to learning, listening, and undoing harm along with our partners.