What the Garden Means to Me

July 22, 2022

This garden literally saved my life. It gave me something to believe in again. A purpose and a calling! I feel so privileged to have the chance to bring pride, peace, togetherness, and a spiritual connection to the garden and to each other. Only in a place that is constructed with love, for use by others, can you find true harmony.

We are all each other’s keepers. Reach out to your brothers and sisters and help them anyway you can. Be kind, forgiving, tolerant, reach out and give someone a hug just because you can!

This garden literally saved my life. It gave me something to believe in again. A purpose and a calling!

William “Kelly” Hunt aka “Cowboy Kelly”

After four plus months, three and a half of which I worked as a solo organizer, motivator, finishing designer, and creator! So many spiritual connections happen sometimes you actually feel connected to the Earth, the sky, and each other.

We started over 800 plants from seeds both in the greenhouse and the day room windows starting in early April until now.

William “Kelly” Hunt aka “Cowboy Kelly”

We installed hundreds of board feed of Spruce from Hoonah Alaska. Using Rough cut 10”x12” we constructed 20 3ft tall raised garden beds. A raised bed in the shape of a star dominates the first part and the rear is designed as an amphitheater. The greenhouse was the last of the heavy construction.
Into each plant bad raised or not we added a combination of layers specifically designed for our climate here is a list:

  • Bottom: ¾ Pine Boughs
  • 3”-4” of Wood mulch
  • 2”-3” of Hop waste
  • 5”-6” of Top soil
  • 1”-2” of Horse manure

The following dump truck loads of materials and tonnage followed:

  • 30 tons – 3 dump truck loads of pine boughs
  • 30 tons – 3 dump truck loads of wood mulch
  • 1000 lbs – 2” Hop waste
  • 50 tons – Garden top soil
  • 70 tons – 3 dump truck loads of quarry rock
  • All of which was hauled into the garden, by wheel barrow or a 5-gallon bucket.

I would like to mention and thank all of those that stepped up to the call for help. You guys moved 180 tons of material alone. Not to mention the way those who couldn’t pack heavy loads volunteered for planting, cleaning and many other tasks/chores:

  • Mariya Lovishchuk – the garden was her idea
  • Rick Bellagh – Organizer, Designer, and Constructor
  • Liz Landes – Organizer, Designer, and Constructor

Written by:
William “Kelly” Hunt aka “Cowboy Kelly”